Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lincoln predicted win for Best Pictures and Best Director in 2013 academy awards

Lincoln predicted win for Best Pictures and Best Director in 2013 academy awards

Director Steven Spielberg's latest film "Lincoln" will get a lot of Oscar nominated after reaping a rousing welcome at the New York Film Festival, as quoted by Reuters.

The film, starring two Oscar-winning actor Daniel Day-Lewis as the 16th President of the U.S. in the end of his term immediately received a lot of comments on Twitter, the most positive. They even called the "Lincoln" is Spielberg's best film for years.

Tommy Lee Jones and Sally Field also received praise for their acting. In this film Lee Jones plays the Republican congressman Thaddeus Stevens, while Field role as Mary Ann, Lincoln's wife

"Lincoln" is considered very successful premiere in New York seen from ticket sales over the weekend. "Lincoln" favored will win an Oscar for best picture and best director.

The Hollywood Reporter and then comparing the film that tells the struggle to abolish slavery with Lincoln Spielberg films such as "Schinder's List" and "Saving Private Ryan".

"In conclusion, Lincoln seems to be a film that will get a lot of Oscar. Spielberg's career in the midst of commercial art and has been successful in this film."

However, not everyone has the same opinion. Blog The U.S. argues, "Just brilliant, the actors did a remarkable job. However, this film is not so special."

Edward Douglas of comingsoon dub this film as the real winner.

"Spielberg's best film for years. Should be good enough to get to 12 Oscar nominations and won four Oscars."

Not only Spielberg, the main actors Day Lewis was getting accolades, including The Huffington Post who called his acting superb. Day Lewis to play Lincoln considered able to be firm but kind.

Day Lewis even conduct historical research using high sound typical to Lincoln in the movie. Many also argue the supporting actor Oscar nomination was worth it.