Friday, November 23, 2012

Lindsay Lohan talks about her Lesbian Romance Story

Lindsay Lohan talks about her Lesbian Romance Story

Los Angeles - Lindsay Lohan opens her affair with her ​​lesbian lover Samantha Ronson. Lindsay broke up because she felt Samantha was poison for her.

Lindsay and Samantha split up three years ago. Even though Lindsay said they were now as friends, but Lindsay was never suited with Samantha, even though she was so loved.

"I have to love myself before I could love someone else., And I have done so far.  Two toxic people can not be together. Acts ends. We're friends now," Lindsay said, as quoted Dailymail.

Lindsay admitted broken heart breaking up with Samantha. In addition, same-sex love confession had been made her scorned a lot of people.

"I am brave enough to say, yes, I like women. So what? Was not fair., And how I broke it? Destroyed. Was three years ago and it was my last serious relationship," she explained.

Besides being a romance, the film star of Liz & Dick's  also said that the slump because too many sycophants nearby.

"It takes time, but it feels like, what was I thinking? Why did I allow sycophants and why so many people are a bad influence around me? I feel lonely and I did not realize it."

"That's why I came back home to New York. I never feel lonely in there. I can see my family and I have people really good in my life."