Saturday, November 3, 2012

Katie Holmes house is still dark Post Sandy Storm

Katie Holmes house is still dark Post Sandy Storm

NEW YORK - Just like many New Yorkers, Katie Holmes have started back to work yesterday. She wore clothes on their backs, worn jeans and a gray sweater. With thousands of others, she was forced to leave her home after Hurricane Sandy and living in temporary housing.

Unfortunately, around 20.30 electricity back off. "Suri and Katie out," said a resident of the same building with Tom Cruise's widow. Lights a candle to them that night.

Mercantile building in which she lives is in fact a luxury building in Chelsea, a few blocks from Suri's school. In the middle of the floor throughout the building occupants stayed during Hurricane Sandy.

Sources who declined to be named claimed Katie was amazed by what he called "grounded". "Suri may use helicopters and cars with a driver, but once the storm hits us all the same," he said. "They're just like us, had to walk from the 12th floor, with no lights, like everyone else."

But indeed, he said, Katie and Suri uncomfortable as they left the building they call home. A report says they may be moved temporarily to the Mark Hotel, an exclusive hotel on the Upper East Side, not far from the Hotel Carlyle, where Katie and Suri often stayed when they was with Tom Cruise, when visiting the city.